Monday, February 6, 2017

How to Adding an MG Interface?

This topic describes how to add an MG interface, through which the Access node can communicate with the MGC.


  • One Access node supports a maximum of 8 MG interfaces. If a CKMC daughter board is configured in the Access node, up to 32 MG interfaces can be supported. Each MG interface can be configured with the interface attributes independently.
  • The configuration of the attributes of an MG interface is valid only to the MG interface.


  • Add an MG interface that supports H.248.
    1. Run the display protocol support command to query the current system protocol.
      • If the current system protocol is H.248, go to 8.
      • If the current system protocol is MGCP, go to 2.

    2. Run the display if-mgcp all command to query whether an MG interface that supports MGCP exists.
      • If such an MG interface does not exist, go to 5.
      • If such an MG interface exists, go to 3.

    3. Delete all configuration data of this MG interface, and then run the shutdown(mgcp) command to disable the MG interface.
      This operation directly interrupts all the services on the MG interface. Hence, exercise caution when performing this operation.

    4. Run the undo interface mgcp command to delete the MG interface.
    5. Run the protocol support command to change the system protocol to H.248.
    6. Run the save command to save the configuration data, and then run the reboot system command to restart the system to make the new configuration data take effect.
    7. After the system is restarted, log in to the system, and enter the global config mode.
    8. Run the interface h248 command to add an MG interface that supports H.248.
    9. Run the if-h248 attribute command to configure the attributes of the MG interface according to the data plan.
    10. Run the display if-h248 attribute command to check whether the attributes of the MG interface are the same as those in the data plan.
  • Add an MG interface that supports MGCP.
    1. Run the display protocol support command to query the current system protocol.
      • If the current system protocol is MGCP, go to 8.
      • If the current system protocol is H.248, go to 2.

    2. Run the display if-h248 all command to query whether an MG interface that supports H.248 exists.
      • If such an MG interface does not exist, go to 5.
      • If such an MG interface exists, go to 3.

    3. Delete all configuration data of this MG interface, and then run the shutdown(h248) command to disable the MG interface.
      This operation directly interrupts all the services on the MG interface. Hence, exercise caution when performing this operation.

    4. Run the undo interface h248 command to delete the MG interface.
    5. Run the protocol support command to change the system protocol to MGCP.
    6. Run the save command to save the configuration data, and then run the reboot system command to restart the system to make the new configuration data take effect.
    7. After the system is restarted, log in to the system, and enter the global config mode.
    8. Run the interface mgcp command to add an MG interface that supports MGCP.
    9. Run the if-mgcp attribute command to configure the attributes of the MG interface according to the data plan.
    10. Run the display if-mgcp attribute command to check whether the attributes of the MG interface are the same as those in the data plan.


Assume that the MG interface ID is 0 and the H.248 protocol is used for interconnecting with the MGC. To add the MG interface(MA5683T, MA5680T), do as follows:
huawei(config)#display protocol support
System support H248 protocol     
huawei(config)#interface h248 0
  Are you sure to add MG interface?(y/n)[n]:y
Assume that the MG interface ID is 0 and the MGCP protocol is used for interconnecting with the MGC. The current system protocol, however, is the H.248 protocol. It is confirmed that the H.248 interface exists in the system but is not in use. To add MG interface 0, do as follows:
huawei(config)#display protocol support
System support H248 protocol     
huawei(config)#display if-h248 all
  MGID     TransMode State     MGPort MGIP            MGCPort MGCIP/DomainName
  0        -         Close     -      -               -       -
huawei(config)#undo interface h248 0
  Are you sure to del MG interface?(y/n)[n]:y
huawei(config)#protocol support mgcp 
huawei(config)#reboot system
  Please check whether data has saved, the unsaved data will lose if reboot
system, are you sure to reboot system? (y/n)[n]:y
After the system is restarted, re-log in to the system.
huawei(config)#display protocol support
System support MGCP protocol     
huawei(config)#interface mgcp 0
  Are you sure to add MG interface?(y/n)[n]:y


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