Tuesday, February 7, 2017

(Optional) Configuring Digitmap for SIP Interfaces

The digitmap, also called number list, refers to the dialing plan on the access gateway (AG), which is used to detect and report dialing events received at the termination point. The digitmap defines number collection rules. It allows dialing events to be reported by groups, which reduces signaling exchanges between the AG and IMS.Thunder-link support MA5683T, MA5680T


The digitmap configuration is relatively complicated. The information such as the meanings and usage of the characters in a digitmap is defined in the protocol, and is not described here. This topic provides only some basic information. You are advised to refer to digitmap description in SIP standard before configuring a digitmap.


  • Different digitmaps are required for different services. A digitmap group includes different digitmaps, providing customized digitmaps to accommodate to users' requirements. In this way, signaling exchanges are reduced between the AG and IMS.
  • A digitmap consists of digit and character strings. When the received dialing sequence matches one of the character strings, you can infer that all numbers are received.
  • The priority sequence of the digitmap is: user digitmap group > interface digitmap group > global local digitmaps. If a digitmap group used by a user does not have corresponding digitmaps, this user does not have the corresponding digitmaps. For example, digitmap group A is configured in user attributes, and digitmap group B is configured in the interface of the user. Besides, two-stage out-group digitmaps are not specified in digitmap group A, but two-stage out-group digitmaps are specified in digitmap group B. When digitmaps are used, the user does not load any two-stage out-group digitmaps because digitmap group A with a highest priority does not have two-stage out-group digitmaps (although two-stage out-group digitmaps are specified in digitmap group B and local digitmaps have two-stage out-group digitmaps). If the user cannot find any user-level or interface-level digitmap groups, the user uses global local digitmaps.
  • If digitmaps are not configured, the system provides a default digitmap for the user, in which all telephone numbers can be matched.
Table 1 provides the characters defined in the SIP protocol for digitmaps. For details, refer to the SIP standard, which provides a better guide to the digitmap configuration.
Table 1 SIP digitmap format
Digit or Character Description
0-9 Indicates dialed digits 0-9.
A-D -
E Indicates the asterisk (*) in dual tone multiple frequency (DTMF) mode.
F Indicates the pound key (#) in DTMF mode.
X Indicates a wildcard, which is a digit ranging from 0 to 9.
S Indicates the short timer. After the timer times out; that is, the dialing plan matching is complete, the system reports numbers one by one if numbers remain.
L Indicates the long timer. After the timer times out; that is, the dialing plan matching is complete, the system reports numbers one by one if numbers remain.
Z Indicates duration modifier, which is a dialing event with a long duration. The dialing event is located in front of the event symbol with a specified position. When the duration of the dialing event exceeds the threshold, the dialing event satisfies this position.
. Indicates that 0 or multiple digits or characters can exist before this character.
| Is used to isolate character strings. Each character string is a selectable dialing plan.
[] Indicates that one of the digits or characters in the square bracket is selected.


  • Configure a digitmap.
    1. In global configuration mode, run the local-digitmap add command to add a local preset digitmap.
    2. (Optional) In SIP mode, run the digitmap-timer(sip) command to configure a digitmap timer.
  • Configure a digitmap group.
    1. In global configuration mode, run the local-digitmap add command to add a local preset digitmap.
    2. (Optional) In SIP mode, run the digitmap-timer(sip) command to configure a digitmap timer.
    3. Run the local-digitmap-group add command to add a digitmap group.
    4. Run the local-digitmap-group include command to add local digitmap members to the digitmap group. The new digitmap group takes effect only when the user uses it in the next call.

    5. Run the mg-digitmap-group command to configure the digitmap group used by the interface. The new digitmap group takes effect only when the user uses it in the next call.
    6. Run the sippstnuser attribute set command to configure the digitmap group used by the user. The new digitmap group takes effect only when the user uses it in the next call.


For example, according to the data plan, digitmap group 1 is applied to users connected to the 0/6/0 port in the SIP interface. The digitmap group includes normal digitmaps and emergency digitmaps, whose formats are 8882xxxx and 8000xxxx respectively.
huawei(config)#local-digitmap add huawei normal 8882xxxx sip
huawei(config)#local-digitmap add huawei1 emergency 8000xxxx sip
huawei(config)#local-digitmap-group add DigitmapGroup1
huawei(config)#local-digitmap-group include DigitmapGroup1 huawei
huawei(config)#local-digitmap-group include DigitmapGroup1 huawei2
huawei(config)#interface sip 1
huawei(config-if-sip-1)#mg-digitmap-group DigitmapGroup1
huawei(config)#esl user
huawei(config-esl-user)#sippstnuser attribute set 0/6/0 cliptransseq digitmap-group DigitmapGroup1


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