Monday, May 16, 2016

Pipe Character of Huawei MA5683T?

To filter based on the query conditions, use this character. The pipe character filter function can be enabled only after you run the undo smart command. After the pipe character filter function is enabled, the pipe character is added to all query commands.
The expression in the command format is: [ | count ] [ | { begin | include | exclude } text ]
  • |: Selecting this parameter means to use the pipe character to filter based on the query conditions.
  • count: Indicates the number of matched lines.
  • begin: Matches the start string of the regular expression. The string will not be displayed until it matches the specified string, which is case sensitive. The following strings of the matching string will all be displayed.
  • include: Matches the string that includes the regular expression. The string will be displayed if it includes the specified string, which is case sensitive. Otherwise, the string will not be displayed.
  • exclude: Matches the string that excludes the regular expression. The string will be displayed if it does not include the specified string, which is case sensitive. Otherwise, the string will not be displayed.
  • text: Regular expression. It indicates the conditional string specified for filtering. For the expression modes and the corresponding meanings, see the following table.
Table 3 Regular expression modes
Mode Description Example
^ Matches the starting position within the string. In the line-based mode, it matches the starting position of any line. "^foo" matches "foo" and the last three characters of "bar\nfoo".
$ Matches the ending position of the string. In the line-based mode, it matches the ending position of any line. "foo$" matches "foo" and the first three characters of "foo\nbar".
+ "+" is attached after a single character and matches the preceding element one or more times. "ab+c" matches "abc", "abbc", and "abbbc", and so on, but not "ac".
? Matches the preceding element zero or one time. "ba?" matches "b" or "ba".
* "*" is attached after a single character and matches the preceding element zero or more times. "ab*c" matches "ac", "abc", "abbc", "abbbc", and so on.
. Matches any single character. "a.b" matches any three-character string starting with "a" and ending with "b".
() "()" is used to define a subexpression. The subexpression in the parentheses can be used for grouping. "(ab)" matches "abcab".
\n Matches what the nth marked subexpression (may be empty) matched, where n is a digit from 1 to 9, indicating the nth subexpression (starting with the nth "\(" and ending with the matching "\)"). If the number of subexpressions before \n is less than n, this expression is invalid. "(a) \ 1" matches "aa".
| The choice (alternation or set union) operator matches either the expression before or the expression after the operator. For example, "abc|def" matches "abc" or "def".
{x,y} Matches the preceding element at least x and not more than y times. "a\{3,5\}" matches only "aaa", "aaaa", and "aaaaa".
\ Imports an escape and references the characters that may be explained as escapes. Therefore, "\\" matches a single "\" and "\{" matches "{". -
Pay attention to the following points when using pipe characters to set filtering conditions:
  • The first line of the displayed information starts with the complete message containing the specified character string, not with the specified string itself.
  • The character string that you input must not contain any Chinese character.
  • To search for the special characters of the C language, such as "\r", "\t", "\v", "\b", "\r", and "\f", use the escape characters "\\r", "\\t", "\\v", "\\b", "\\r", and "\\f". For example, if you need to search for "\r", you must input "\\r" instead of "\r".
  • The characters that you specify for searching can be added with or without double quotation marks. For example, if you want to search for characters "abc", you can input "abc" or abc directly. To search for character strings such as abc with the space in the front, you can input the character string with the double quotation marks, for example, " abc".
To redirect the output of query commands to the server or a specified file in the system, use this character. The redirection function can be enabled only after you run the undo smart command. After the redirection function is enabled, the redirect character is added to all query commands.
Huawei provides the redirection function for carriers to use, obtain, and store live network configurations for the purpose of network operation and service insurance . Huawei does not collect or store these configurations. Carriers can use the corresponding redirection function only under any applicable laws and regulations. When you use and store the live network configurations, adopt sufficient measures to protect the configurations.
Parameter Description Value
> Indicates the redirection symbol. When is parameter is selected, the output of query commands is redirected to the server or a specified file in the system. -
file Indicates that the output of query commands is redirected to a specified file in the system. -
tftp Indicates that output of query commands is uploaded through the network port using the Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP). When the transfer mode of the server is set to the TFTP, use this parameter. In the TFTP loading mode, no password is needed. -
ftp Indicates that output of query commands is uploaded through the network port using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). When the server uses the FTP transmission mode, use this parameter and enter username and password the same as those configured in the FTP server tool. -
sftp Indicates that output of query commands is uploaded through the network port using the Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). When the server uses the SFTP transmission mode, use this parameter and enter username and password the same as those configured in the SFTP server tool. When the SFTP mode is used for uploading files, instructions and data are encrypted during the transmission. SFTP is recommended. -
port Indicates the port ID of the SFTP protocol. Numeral type. Range: 0-65535.
Default value: 22.
username Indicates the user name of the server. Character string type, a string of 1-40 characters.
password Indicates the password of the server. Character string type, a string of 1-40 characters.
server-ip Indicates the IP address of the server. IPv4 address format. Dotted decimal notation.
filename Indicates the name of the file redirected to the server or the system. Character string type. A string of 1-128 characters if the output of the query command is redirected to a server. A string of 1-40 characters if the output of query command is redirected to a specific file in the system.
Pay attention to the following when using the redirection character:
  • When the redirection function is used, output of query commands is not displayed in the terminal.
  • Only SCUH and SCUV support the redirection to a specific file in the system.
  • Only operators or users with higher authorities have the right to direct query command output to a specific file in the system.
  • Examples of query commands are provided when the redirection function is disabled. 
You can find Huawei OSN3500, Huawei MA5683T from us.
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