Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Warning of Failed Cascading on the MA5616 Equipped with the JDSU GE Optical Module

Keywords: MA5616, H831CCUC, JDSU (optical module vendor), GE optical module, GE optical port cascading, cascading failure
Summary: An MA5616 equipped with the H831CCUC control board uses the JDSU-provided GE optical module with BOM number 34060286 for upstream cascading. The cascading fails and the LINK indicator on the control board is not on.
Product Line: Access Network Product Line    Product Model: MA5616
[Problem Description]
Trigger conditions
Two MA5616s (equipped with H831CCUC control boards) use the GE optical port for cascading. The GE optical module is provided by JDSU and the BOM number is 34060286.
Figure 1 JDSU-provided GE optical module

The cascading fails and the LINK indicator on the control board is not on.
Identification method
1. Perform the following three steps to verify that the device, optical link, and optical module are functional.
Verify that the device is functional.
The device is powered on and displays information using the serial port. The system displays the message "Press any key to get started." Use the user name and password to log in to the device. Query the board information. The system displays "normal", indicating that the device and board are functional.
MA5616(config)#display board 0
  SlotID  BoardName  Status           SubType0 SubType1    Online/Offline
  0       H831CCUC   Active_normal    UP2A
  5       H831PDIA   Normal

MA5616(config)#display board 0/0

  Board Name          : H831CCUC
  Board Status        : Active normal

  Subboard[0]: H831UP2A                        Status: Normal
  Port   Port   MAC              Register             Link    Role      Active
         Type                    State                State             State
     0  GE optic    normal    -      auto       auto     off   active   offline
  Port Port COMBO    Optic    MDI    Speed      Duplex    Flow- Active   Link
       Type Mode     Status          (Mbps)               Ctrl  State
     1 GE   -        absence  -      auto       auto      off   active   offline
  Note: For a 1000 M, electrical port in the full-duplex mode, setting MDI to
        any value is invalid
Verify that the optical link is functional.
Ensure that an orange multi-mode LC/PC optical fiber is used. After the optical link starts to work, run the following command to query the transmit and receive optical power: (The range for the transmit optical power is –9.5 dBm to –2.5 dBm, and the range for the receive optical power is –17 dBm to 0.)
MA5616(config-if-eth-0/0)#display port ddm-info 1                                          
          display port ddm-info 1                                               
  Temperature(C)                       : 32.550000                              
  Supply voltage(V)                    : 3.300000                               
  TX bias current(mA)                  : 4.550000                               
  TX power(dBm)                        : -5.010000                              
  RX power(dBm)                        : -6.160000     
Verify that the optical module is functional.
Verify that the optical module is free of any visible damage and is not removed. Insert the optical module to the optical port and run the following commands to verify that the optical module is functional:
MA5616(config)#interface eth 0/0
MA5616(config-if-eth-0/0)#display port opticstate 1
    Note: The type of optical module does not fully support the SFF-8472
standard. The queried information may be incorrect or unspecified
  Optics module information
    Identifier                        : SFP
    Ext.Identifier                    : GBIC/SFP function is defined by serial
                                        ID only
    Connector                         : LC
      Infiniband compliance codes     : Invalid
      SONET compliance codes          : Invalid
      GE compliance codes             : 1000BASE-SX
      Link length                     : short distance
      Transmitter technology          : shortwave laser
      Transmission media              : multi-mode, 62.5m
      Speed                           : Invalid
    Encoding                          : 8B10B
    BR,Nominal                        : 2100 MBits/sec
    Length(9um)-km                    : 0 km
    Length(9um)                       : 0.0  km
    Length(50um)                      : 500 m
    Length(62.5um)                    : 300 m
    Length(Copper)                    : 0 m
    Vendor name                       : JDSU
    Vendor OUI                        : 412
    Vendor PN                         : PLRXPL-VI-S24-HW
    Vendor rev                        : 1
    Wavelength                        : 850 nm
    Cc_base                           : 0x7f
    Options                           : Invalid
    BR,max                            : Unspecified
    BR,min                            : Unspecified
    Vendor SN                         : CC17QQ322
    Date code                         : 12 04 18
    Diagnostic Monitoring Type        : Internally Calibrated
    Enhanced Options                  : Optional Alarm/warning flags implemented
                                        for all monitored quantities
    SFF-8472 Compliance               : Includes functionality described in Rev-
                                        10.2 SFF-8472
    CC_EXT                            : 0xec
    Vendor specific                   :
        20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
        20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20
2. Check whether the LINK indicator on the control board is on. If the indicator is not on, the cascading fails.
3. Query the link status of the cascaded optical port. If the system displays "offline", the cascading fails.
MA5616(config-if-eth-0/0)#display  port  state all
Port Port COMBO    Optic    MDI    Speed      Duplex    Flow- Active   Link   
  Type Mode     Status          (Mbps)               Ctrl  State           
0      GE optic    normal    -      auto       auto     off   active   offline
1      GE   -      normal    -      auto       auto     off   active   offline
Note: For a 1000 M, electrical port in the full-duplex mode, setting MDI to  
        any value is invalid
[Root Cause]
An error occurs when the JDSU-provided GE optical module is used with the H831CCUC control board. The LOS decision mechanism of the JDSU-provided GE optical module conflicts with that of the H831CCUC control board. As a result, the handshake fails, causing a cascading failure.
[Impact and Risk]
The MA5616 equipped with the H831CCUC control board is delivered with the JDSU-provided GE optical module (BOM number: 34060286). If the GE optical module is used for cascading, the cascading fails, affecting deployment.
[Measures and Solutions]
Recovery measures
Preventive measure
Configure the MAC chip register in the software.
Upgrade the control board to V800R310C00SPC103 on new sites in which the cascading is used.
[Rectification Scope and Time Requirements]
[Prewarning Expiration Condition]

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