gem mapping
The gem mapping command is used to set up
the mapping between the GEM port and the services on the ONT, namely, the
mapping between the GEM port and the data stream of the user port on the ONT.
Then, you can select the proper service transmission mode based on various
mapping modes. The service transmission modes are flexible and rich. After this
command is executed successfully, the mapping is set up. In this case, the
corresponding GEM port can carry services.
The undo gem mapping command is used to cancel the mapping between the GEM port and the services on the ONT. After this command is executed successfully, the corresponding GEM port cannot carry services.
The undo gem mapping command is used to cancel the mapping between the GEM port and the services on the ONT. After this command is executed successfully, the corresponding GEM port cannot carry services.
You can run the mapping-mode command to set up the
mapping between GEM port and the services on the ONT globally and then run the
gem mapping command to configure the specified data based on
the configured mapping.
gem mapping gem-index mapping-index { vlan
vlan-id |
priority priority } * [ flow-car {
traffic-table-index |
traffic-table-name traffic-table-name } ] [
transparent switch
gem mapping gem-index mapping-index vlan untag [ flow-car { traffic-table-index | traffic-table-name traffic-table-name } ] gem mapping gem-index mapping-index { eth | vdsl | moca } ont-portid [ vlan vlan-id ] [ priority priority ] [ flow-car { traffic-table-index | traffic-table-name traffic-table-name } ] [ transparent switch ]
gem mapping gem-index mapping-index iphost [ vlan vlan-id ] [ priority priority ] [ flow-car { traffic-table-index | traffic-table-name traffic-table-name } ] [ transparent switch ]
gem mapping gem-index mapping-index { e1 ont-portid } [ flow-car {traffic-table-index | traffic-table-name traffic-table-name } ] [ transparent switch ]
gem mapping gem-index mapping-index eth-bundle bundle-index [ vlan vlan-id ] [ priority priority ] [ flow-car { traffic-table-index | traffic-table-name traffic-table-name } ] [ transparent switch ]
gem mapping gem-index mapping-index ippath [ ip-index ] [ vlan vlan-id ] [ priority priority ] [ flow-car { traffic-table-index | traffic-table-name traffic-table-name } ] [ transparent switch ]
gem mapping gem-index mapping-index flow-car { traffic-table-index | traffic-table-name traffic-table-name }
gem mapping gem-index mapping-index tdm-vcl
undo gem mapping gem-index mapping-index
gem mapping gem-index mapping-index vlan untag [ flow-car { traffic-table-index | traffic-table-name traffic-table-name } ] gem mapping gem-index mapping-index { eth | vdsl | moca } ont-portid [ vlan vlan-id ] [ priority priority ] [ flow-car { traffic-table-index | traffic-table-name traffic-table-name } ] [ transparent switch ]
gem mapping gem-index mapping-index iphost [ vlan vlan-id ] [ priority priority ] [ flow-car { traffic-table-index | traffic-table-name traffic-table-name } ] [ transparent switch ]
gem mapping gem-index mapping-index { e1 ont-portid } [ flow-car {traffic-table-index | traffic-table-name traffic-table-name } ] [ transparent switch ]
gem mapping gem-index mapping-index eth-bundle bundle-index [ vlan vlan-id ] [ priority priority ] [ flow-car { traffic-table-index | traffic-table-name traffic-table-name } ] [ transparent switch ]
gem mapping gem-index mapping-index ippath [ ip-index ] [ vlan vlan-id ] [ priority priority ] [ flow-car { traffic-table-index | traffic-table-name traffic-table-name } ] [ transparent switch ]
gem mapping gem-index mapping-index flow-car { traffic-table-index | traffic-table-name traffic-table-name }
gem mapping gem-index mapping-index tdm-vcl
undo gem mapping gem-index mapping-index
Parameter | Description | Value |
gem-index | Indicates the ID of a GEM port. | Numeral type. Range: 0-1023. |
mapping-index | Indicates the mapping index. It identifies the service streams on a same gem-index. | Numeral type. Range: 0-7. |
vlan vlan-id |
Indicates the VLAN mapping mode. To map the service stream of a specified
VLAN to a GEM port after running the mapping-mode(gpon profile) command
to set the mapping to VLAN mapping or the mapping mode associated with the VLAN
mapping, use this parameter.
Numeral type. Range: 0-4095. |
vlan untag | When you run the mapping-mode(gpon profile) command to set the mapping to VLAN mapping, use this parameter to map service streams without a VLAN tag to a specified GEM index. A service stream without a VLAN tag exclusively uses a GEM index, and other service streams with a different VLAN tag are not allowed to use this GEM index. | - |
priority priority |
Configures the packet priority for a specified GEM port. The larger the
value, the higher the priority.
Numeral type. Range: 0-7. |
flow-car traffic-table-index |
Indicates the traffic table bound to a specified GEM port. When you use this parameter, select flow-car in the qos-mode command. The maximum traffic is determined by the traffic profile bound to the service stream. Before the configuration, run the traffic table ip command to create the required traffic profile. |
Numeral type. Range: 0-1023. |
traffic-table-name traffic-table-name |
Indicates the traffic table name bound to a specified GEM port. When you use this parameter, select flow-car in the qos-mode command. The maximum traffic is determined by the traffic profile that is bound to the service stream. Before the configuration, run the traffic table ip command to create the required traffic profile. |
Character string type, a string of 1–32 characters. |
eth ont-portid |
Indicates the mapping mode of an Ethernet port. To map the service
stream of an Ethernet port on the ONT to a specified GEM port, use this
Numeral type. Range: 1-8. |
vdsl ont-portid |
Indicates the mapping mode of a VDSL port. To map the service
stream of a VDSL port on the ONT to a specified GEM port, use this parameter.
Numeral type. Range: 1-8. |
eth-bundle bundle-index |
Indicates the mapping mode of multiple Ethernet ports. To map the service
streams of multiple Ethernet ports to a specified GEM port to manage the same
type of users at the same level on the Ethernet ports in a unified manner, use
this parameter.
If the bundle group is specified and then the VLAN is specified, use the port
ID+VLAN mapping mode.
If the bundle group is specified and then the priority is specified, use the port ID+priority mapping mode. If the bundle group and the VLAN are specified and then the priority is specified, use the port ID+VLAN+priority mapping mode. |
Numeral type. Range: 0-7. |
moca ont-portid |
Indicates the mapping mode of a MOCA port. To map the service stream of a
MOCA port to a specified GEM port, use this parameter. A MOCA port, supporting
North American communication protocols, is used to concurrently transmit both
data and video signals over coaxial cables, and then the signals are separated
after being transmitted to user terminals. If the port is specified and then the VLAN is specified, use the port ID+VLAN mapping mode. If the port is specified and then the priority is specified, use the port ID+priority mapping mode. If the port and the VLAN are specified and then the priority is specified, use the port ID+VLAN+priority mapping mode. |
Numeral type. Range: 1-8. |
iphost |
Indicates the mapping mode of an IPHOST port. An IPHOST is a configuration
port of the voice service. To map the service stream of an IPHOST port to a
specified GEM port, use this parameter. The IPHOST port is a special port and only one such port can be configured. You can run the gem mapping command to configure various mappings. The IPHOST port is not restricted by the ONT mapping mode, that is, it is not restricted by the mapping mode configured through the mapping-mode command. |
- |
e1 ont-portid |
Indicates the mapping mode of an E1 port. To map the service stream of an E1
port to a specified GEM port, use this parameter. As a special port, the E1 port is not restricted by the ONT mapping mode, that is, it is not restricted by the mapping mode configured through the mapping-mode command. When the service stream on the E1 port is mapped to a specified GEM port, the attribute of the GEM port must be TDM. |
Numeral type. Range: 1-16. |
ippath ip-index | Configures the mapping mode of an IPPATH port. The IPPATH port is used in multi-bridge mode by IPCONFIG to manage the WAN port mapping. Two such ports can be configured and identified by ip-index. When ip-index is not set, the IPPATH port is configured on port 0. The IPPATH port is mainly used for voice service. |
Numeral type. The valid range is as follows:
transparent switch |
Configures the stream transparent function of the mapping. After the stream
transparent function is enabled, all the services in the mapping are
transparently transmitted to the OLT and the ONT does not capture or process the
services. If the stream transparent function is not configured when the GEM mapping is configured, this parameter is displayed as a dash (-). |
Enumerated type. Options: enable and disable. |
tdm-vcl |
Indicates the mapping mode of the TDM VCL. To map the service stream of the
TDM VCL service to a specified GEM port, use this parameter. The mapping mode of the TDM VCL is not restricted by the ONT mapping mode, that is, it is not restricted by the mapping mode configured through the mapping-mode command. |
- |
Usage Guidelines
- Run the config command to enter global config mode, and then run the ont-lineprofile gpon command to enter the GPON ONT line profile mode.
- Before the configuration, run the mapping-mode command to configure the mapping mode supported by the ONT to be the same as the configured mapping mode between the GEM port and the ONT-side service.
- You can run the display ont-lineprofile command to query the configured mapping.
- When you map a GEM port to a service stream, if the ID of the traffic table bound to the GEM port is not entered, and the QoS mode of the ONT line profile is FLOW-CAR, traffic table 6 is bound to the GEM port.
- When the mapping mode is vlan-priority or port-vlan-priority, any of these VLANs cannot map to any other GEM port.
- After running this command, you need to run the commit command. Then, the configuration performed through this command can take effect.
To map the service stream with GEM port 1 and mapping index 0 to VLAN 2 in
ONT line profile 10, set the priority to 7 (the VLAN+802.1p priority mapping is
used), and enable the transparent function, do as follows:
huawei(config-gpon-lineprofile-10)#gem mapping
{ gem-index<U><0,1023> }:1
{ mapping-index<U><0,7> }:0
{ e1<K>|eth-bundle<K>|eth<K>|flow-car<K>|iphost<K>|ippath<K>|moca<K>|priority<K>|tdm-vcl<K>|transparent<K>|vdsl<K>|vlan<K> }:vlan
{ untag<K>|vlan-id<U><0,4095> }:2
{ <cr>|flow-car<K>|priority<K>|transparent<K>|vlan<K> }:priority
{ priority<U><0,7> }:7
{ <cr>|flow-car<K>|transparent<K> }:transparent
{ switch<E><enable,disable> }:enable
gem mapping 1 0 vlan 2 priority 7 transparent enable
To map the service stream with GEM port 1 and mapping index 0 to VLAN untag
in ONT line profile 10, do as follows:huawei(config-gpon-lineprofile-10)#gem mapping
{ gem-index<U><0,1023> }:1
{ mapping-index<U><0,7> }:0
{ e1<K>|eth-bundle<K>|eth<K>|flow-car<K>|iphost<K>|ippath<K>|moca<K>|priority<K>|tdm-vcl<K>|transparent<K>|vdsl<K>|vlan<K> }:vlan
{ untag<K>|vlan-id<U><0,4095> }:untag
{ <cr>|flow-car<K> }:
gem mapping 1 0 vlan 2 untag
To map the service stream with GEM port 1 and mapping index 0 to Ethernet
bundle group 2 in ONT line profile 10 (the port ID mapping is used), do as
follows:huawei(config-gpon-lineprofile-10)#gem mapping
{ gem-index<U><0,1023> }:1
{ mapping-index<U><0,7> }:0
{ e1<K>|eth-bundle<K>|eth<K>|flow-car<K>|iphost<K>|ippath<K>|moca<K>|priority<K>|tdm-vcl<K>
|transparent<K>|vdsl<K>|vlan<K> }:eth-boudle
{ bundle-index<U><0,7> }:2
{ <cr>|flow-car<K>|priority<K>|transparent<K>|vlan<K> }:
gem mapping 1 0 eth-boudle 2 priority 7
In the OLT mode, to map the service stream with GEM port 1 and mapping index
0 to IPPATH port 0 in ONT line profile 10, do as follows:huawei(config-gpon-lineprofile-10)#gem mapping
{ gem-index<U><0,1023> }:1
{ mapping-index<U><0,7> }:0
{ e1<K>|eth-bundle<K>|eth<K>|flow-car<K>|iphost<K>|ippath<K>|moca<K>|priority<K>|tdm-vcl<K>|transparent<K>|vdsl<K>|vlan<K> }:ippath
{ <cr>|flow-car<K>|ip-index<U><0,3>|priority<K>|transparent<K>|vlan<K> }:0
{ <cr>|flow-car<K>|priority<K>|transparent<K>|vlan<K> }:vlan
{ vlan-id<U><0,4095> }:100
{ <cr>|flow-car<K>|priority<K>|transparent<K> }:
gem mapping 0 0 ippath 0 vlan 100
To cancel the mapping (mapping index 0) between GEM port 1 and the service
stream in ONT line profile 10, do as follows:huawei(config-gpon-lineprofile-10)#undo gem mapping
{ gem-index<U><0,1023> }:1
{ mapping-index<U><0,7> }:0
undo gem mapping 1 0
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