Wednesday, October 19, 2016

SHDSL Line Profile Configuration----shdsl line-profile quickadd

Function Description

This topic describes the commands related to SHDSL line profile configuration. The commands can be used to add, delete, edit, and query an extended line profile.

shdsl line-profile quickadd


This command is used to quickly add a single-line high speed digital subscriber line (SHDSL) profile. An SHDSL line profile provides parameters for an SHDSL port when the port is activated. To activate SHDSL ports using new line parameters, run this command to configure a new SHDSL line profile. After a line profile is configured successfully, it can be directly used to activate ports.


shdsl line-profile quickadd [ profile-index ] { line | tdm } two-wire [ [ rate min-rate max-rate ] [ psd { symmetric | asymmetric } ] [ transmission { Annex-A | Annex-B | Annex-A&B } ] [ remote { disable | enable } ] [ probe { disable | enable } ] [ modulation-mode { AUTO | TCPAM128| TCPAM16 | TCPAM32 | TCPAM64 } ] [ performance-mode performance-mode ] [ snr-margin ds-curr ds-curr ds-worst ds-worst us-curr us-curr us-worst us-worst bitmap bitmap ] ] [ frame-mode { E1 | V35 } ] [ ntr reference-clock ] [ clock-align { synchronization | asynchronism } ] [ name profile-name ]
shdsl line-profile quickadd [ profile-index ] tdm four-wire [ [ rate rate ] [ psd { symmetric | asymmetric } ] [ transmission { Annex-A | Annex-B | Annex-A&B } ] [ remote { disable | enable } ] [ probe { disable | enable } ] [ modulation-mode { AUTO | TCPAM128 | TCPAM16 | TCPAM32 | TCPAM64 } ] [ performance-mode performance-mode ] [ snr-margin ds-curr ds-curr ds-worst ds-worst us-curr us-curr us-worst us-worst bitmap bitmap ] ] [ frame-mode { E1 | V35 } ] [ ntr reference-clock ] [ clock-align { synchronization | asynchronism } ] [ name profile-name ]
shdsl line-profile quickadd [ profile-index ] line four-wire [ [ rate { rate | min-rate max-rate } ] [ psd { symmetric | asymmetric } ] [ transmission { Annex-A | Annex-B | Annex-A&B } ] [ remote { disable | enable } ] [ probe { disable | enable } ] [ modulation-mode { AUTO | TCPAM128 | TCPAM16 | TCPAM32 | TCPAM64 } ] [ performance-mode performance-mode ] [ snr-margin ds-curr ds-curr ds-worst ds-worst us-curr us-curr us-worst us-worst bitmap bitmap ] ] [ frame-mode { E1 | V35 } ] [ ntr reference-clock ] [ clock-align { synchronization | asynchronism } ] [ name profile-name ]
shdsl line-profile quickadd [ profile-index ] ptm [ [ rate min-rate max-rate ] [ psd { symmetric | asymmetric } ] [ transmission { Annex-A | Annex-B | Annex-A&B } ] [ remote { disable | enable } ] [ probe { disable | enable } ] [ modulation-mode { AUTO | TCPAM128 | TCPAM16 | TCPAM32 | TCPAM64 } ] [ performance-mode performance-mode ] [ snr-margin ds-curr ds-curr ds-worst ds-worst us-curr us-curr us-worst us-worst bitmap bitmap ] ] [ frame-mode { E1 | V35 } ] [ ntr reference-clock ] [ clock-align { synchronization | asynchronism } ] [ name profile-name ]
shdsl line-profile quickadd [ profile-index ] tdm six-wire [ [ rate rate ] [ psd { symmetric | asymmetric } ] [ transmission { Annex-A | Annex-B | Annex-A&B } ] [ remote { disable | enable } ] [ probe { disable | enable } ] [ modulation-mode { AUTO | TCPAM128 | TCPAM16 | TCPAM32 | TCPAM64 } ] [ performance-mode performance-mode ] [ snr-margin ds-curr ds-curr ds-worst ds-worst us-curr us-curr us-worst us-worst bitmap bitmap ] ] [ frame-mode { E1 | V35 } ] [ ntr reference-clock ] [ clock-align { synchronization | asynchronism } ] [ name profile-name ]
shdsl line-profile quickadd [ profile-index ] line six-wire [ [ rate { rate | min-rate max-rate } ] [ psd { symmetric | asymmetric } ] [ transmission { Annex-A | Annex-B | Annex-A&B } ] [ remote { disable | enable } ] [ probe { disable | enable } ] [ modulation-mode { AUTO | TCPAM128 | TCPAM16 | TCPAM32 | TCPAM64 } ] [ performance-mode performance-mode ] [ snr-margin ds-curr ds-curr ds-worst ds-worst us-curr us-curr us-worst us-worst bitmap bitmap ] ] [ frame-mode { E1 | V35 } ] [ ntr reference-clock ] [ clock-align { synchronization | asynchronism } ] [ name profile-name ]
shdsl line-profile quickadd [ profile-index ] tdm eight-wire [ [ rate rate ] [ psd { symmetric | asymmetric } ] [ transmission { Annex-A | Annex-B | Annex-A&B } ] [ remote { disable | enable } ] [ probe { disable | enable } ] [ modulation-mode { AUTO | TCPAM128 | TCPAM16 | TCPAM32 | TCPAM64 } ] [ performance-mode performance-mode ] [ snr-margin ds-curr ds-curr ds-worst ds-worst us-curr us-curr us-worst us-worst bitmap bitmap ] ] [ frame-mode { E1 | V35 } ] [ ntr reference-clock ] [ clock-align { synchronization | asynchronism } ] [ name profile-name ]
shdsl line-profile quickadd [ profile-index ] line eight-wire [ [ rate { rate | min-rate max-rate } ] [ psd { symmetric | asymmetric } ] [ transmission { Annex-A | Annex-B | Annex-A&B } ] [ remote { disable | enable } ] [ probe { disable | enable } ] [ modulation-mode { AUTO | TCPAM128 | TCPAM16 | TCPAM32 | TCPAM64 } ] [ performance-mode performance-mode ] [ snr-margin ds-curr ds-curr ds-worst ds-worst us-curr us-curr us-worst us-worst bitmap bitmap ] ] [ frame-mode { E1 | V35 } ] [ ntr reference-clock ] [ clock-align { synchronization | asynchronism } ] [ name profile-name ]


Parameter Description Value
profile-index Indicates the ID of an SHDSL line profile.
When creating an SHDSL line profile, you can specify a profile ID or not. If you do not specify it, the system allocates the minimum idle one as the ID of the new line profile.
Numeral type. Range: 2-99.
line Indicates the asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) data encapsulation mode for G.SHDSL lines. It includes two-wire mode, four-wire mode, six-wire mode, and eight-wire mode. -
tdm Indicates the time division multiplexing (TDM) data encapsulation mode for G.SHDSL lines. It includes two-wire mode, four-wire mode, six-wire mode, and eight-wire mode. -
ptm Indicates the packet transfer mode (PTM) data encapsulation mode for G.SHDSL lines. -
two-wire Indicates two-wire G.SHDSL line interface mode. When there is no requirement on a high line rate, two-wire mode can be used. -
four-wire Indicates four-wire G.SHDSL line interface mode. When a high line rate is required, four-wire mode is used. -
six-wire Indicates six-wire G.SHDSL line interface mode. -
eight-wire Indicates eight-wire G.SHDSL line interface mode. -
rate Indicates the key word for G.SHDSL line rate configuration. -
min-rate Indicates the minimum line rate when two-wire mode or the PTM encapsulation mode is used. It must be a multiple of 64. The values of 2312 and 3848 are allowed. The rate is a payload rate. When you configure the fixed rate profile without overhead, the minimum line rate should be the same as the maximum line rate.
Indicates the minimum line rate when four-wire mode, six-wire mode, or eight-wire mode, and the ATM encapsulation mode are used.
When the profile is set to the TDM mode and in the E1 frame format and a port that references the profile is in the running mode, the port must match the 2048 kbit/s rate. Run the e1port runmode command to configure the running mode.
Numeral type. Range:
  • 2312 kbit/s, 3848 kbit/s, 192-15360 kbit/s (two-wire)
  • 4624 kbit/s, 7696 kbit/s, 384-30720 kbit/s (four-wire)
  • 6936 kbit/s, 11544 kbit/s, 576-46080 kbit/s (six-wire)
  • 9248 kbit/s, 15392 kbit/s, 768-61440 kbit/s (eight-wire)
Unit: kbit/s.
Default value:
  • 2048 kbit/s (two-wire)
  • 4096 kbit/s (four-wire)
  • 6144 kbit/s (six-wire)
  • 8192 kbit/s (eight-wire)
max-rate Indicates the maximum line rate when two-wire mode or the PTM encapsulation mode is used. It must be a multiple of 64. The values of 2312 and 3848 are allowed.
Indicates the minimum line rate when four-wire mode, six-wire mode, or eight-wire mode, and the ATM encapsulation mode are used.
When the rate adaptation profile is used for activation during the process of setting up an SHDSL connection, if the rate calculated based on the current line conditions is greater than the configured maximum rate, the system limits the rate within the maximum one. This, however, will increase noise margin. If the calculated rate is smaller than the configured maximum rate, the system sets up the connection according to the calculated rate while maintaining the target noise margin.
When the profile is set to the TDM mode and in the E1 frame format and a port that references the profile is in the running mode, the port must match the 2048 kbit/s rate. Run the e1port runmode command to configure the running mode.
Numeral type. Range:
  • 2312 kbit/s, 3848 kbit/s, 192-15360 kbit/s (two-wire)
  • 4624 kbit/s, 7696 kbit/s, 384-30720 kbit/s (four-wire)
  • 6936 kbit/s, 11544 kbit/s, 576-46080 kbit/s (six-wire)
  • 9248 kbit/s, 15392 kbit/s, 768-61440 kbit/s (eight-wire)
Unit: kbit/s.
Default value:
  • 2048 kbit/s (two-wire)
  • 4096 kbit/s (four-wire)
  • 6144 kbit/s (six-wire)
  • 8192 kbit/s (eight-wire)
rate rate
Indicates the line rate for each type of interface mode.
  • The line rate for two-wire interface mode must be a multiple of 64.
  • The line rate for four-wire interface mode must be a multiple of 128.
  • The line rate for six-wire interface mode must be a multiple of 192.
  • The line rate for eight-wire interface mode must be a multiple of 256.
Numeral type. Range:
  • 192-15360 kbit/s (two-wire)
  • 384-30720 kbit/s (four-wire)
  • 576-46080 kbit/s (six-wire)
  • 76861440 kbit/s (eight-wire)
Unit: kbit/s.
Default value:
  • 4096 kbit/s (four-wire)
  • 6144 kbit/s (six-wire)
  • 8192 kbit/s (eight-wire)
psd Indicates the power spectrum density (PSD), namely, the power over each Hz. It has two modes: symmetric mode and asymmetric mode. Default value: symmetric mode. -
symmetric Sets the PSD to symmetric mode. -
asymmetric Sets the PSD to asymmetric mode. -
transmission Sets the transmission mode. -
Annex-A Supports the G.991.2 Annex A/F transmission mode. This mode is mainly applied in North America. -
Annex-B Supports the G.991.2 Annex B/G transmission mode. This mode is mainly applied in Europe. -
Annex-A&B Supports both the G.991.2 Annex A/F transmission mode and the G.991.2 Annex B/G transmission mode. By default, Annex A/F and Annex B/G transmission modes are used. -
remote Indicates remote configuration management. Enumerated type. Options: disable and enable.
Default value: enable.
probe Indicates the SHDSL line probe function.
When the probe function is enabled, during the line activation, the system will search for the optimal line rate using the probe function. When the probe function is disabled, the system will skip the line rate adaptation process, reducing the time for activating SHDSL lines.
Enumerated type. Options: disable and enable.
Default value: disable.
modulation-mode Indicates the SHDSL line modulation mode. -
performance-mode performance-mode Indicates the SHDSL line performance statistics mode. It has three types: 1-auto, 2-absolute and 3-delta. Numeral type. Range: 1-3.
Default value: 1.
AUTO Indicates the SHDSL line modulation mode. Port modulation mode is judged when port is activated. -
TCPAM16 Indicates that the SHDSL line modulation mode is TCPAM16. -
TCPAM32 Indicates that the SHDSL line modulation mode is TCPAM32. -
TCPAM64 Indicates that the SHDSL line modulation mode is TCPAM64. -
TCPAM128 Indicates that the SHDSL line modulation mode is TCPAM128. -
snr-margin Indicates the keyword for signal to noise ratio (SNR) configuration. -
ds-curr ds-curr Sets the downstream current target SNR margin. The larger the SNR margin is, the higher the connection stability is, but the lower of the activated physical connection rate is.
For normal Internet access users, set the target SNR margin to 3. For users with higher priorities, set the target SNR margin to 5.
Numeral type. Range: -10-21 dB.
Default value: 6 dB.
ds-worst ds-worst Sets the downstream worst target SNR margin. This parameter must be smaller than or equal with downstream current target SNR margin. Numeral type. Range: -10-21 dB.
Default value: 0 dB.
us-curr us-curr Sets the current upstream target SNR margin. The setting method is the same as that of the current downstream target SNR margin. Numeral type. Range: -10-21 dB.
Default value: 6 dB.
us-worst us-worst Sets the upstream worst target SNR margin. This parameter must be smaller than or equal with upstream current target SNR margin. Numeral type. Range: -10-21 dB.
Default value: 0 dB.
bitmap bitmap
Indicates the SNR bit map.
  • bit0=1 indicates that the downstream current target SNR margin is enabled.
  • bit1=1 indicates that the downstream worst target SNR margin is enabled.
  • bit2=1 indicates that the upstream current target SNR margin is enabled.
  • bit3=1 indicates that the upstream worst target SNR margin is enabled.
Numeral type. Range: 0x01-0x0F.
By default, the SNR margin bitmap value is 0x05, that is, the current downstream target SNR margin is enabled.
ntr reference-clock Configures the network timing reference. Enumerated type. Options: freeRun and system.
clock-align Configures the network timing synchronization mode. Enumerated type. Options: synchronization and asynchronism.
name profile-name Indicates the profile name. You can specify the profile name or not. If you do not specify it, the system uses the default name "SHDSL LINE PROFLE x". "x" is the smallest idle ID of the SHDSL line profile. Character string type, a string of 1-32 characters.


Global config mode, SHD mode, GPBD, GPFD


Operator level

Usage Guidelines

  • Run the config command to enter global config mode, and then run the interface shl command to enter SHDSL mode.
  • This command is used to add an SHDSL line profile quickly without interaction with the system. Compared with the interactive command, this command is more convenient but less interactive. In general, the interactive command is recommended.
  • There are nine default line profiles in the system. The profile numbers are 1, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, and 107. Parameters in the default profiles are the data for reference. You can create new profiles according to actual line conditions and service requirements.
    • Profile 1 activates the two-wire ATM SHDSL ports. Profile 100 activates the four-wire ATM SHDSL ports. Profile 101 activates the six-wire ATM SHDSL ports. Profile 102 activates the eight-wire ATM SHDSL ports.
    • Profile 103 activates the SHDSL ports that are bound in the EFM mode.
    • Profile 104 activates the four-wire SHDSL ports that are bound in the TDM E1 mode. Profile 106 activates the two-wire SHDSL ports that are bound in the TDM E1 mode.
    • Profile 105 activates the four-wire SHDSL ports that are bound in the TDM V35 mode. Profile 107 activates the two-wire SHDSL ports that are bound in the TDM V35 mode.
  • For a two-wire profile, the line rate must be a multiple of 64 kbit/s. Also it can be 2312 kbit/s or 3848 kbit/s. The line rate ranges 192-15360 kbit/s, 2312 kbit/s, and 3848 kbit/s. The default value is 2048 kbit/s. If the entered rate is not a multiple of 64 kbit/s, the system adjusts the rate to a multiple value of 64 kbit/s that is the most close to the entered one.
  • For a four-wire profile, the line rate must be a multiple of 128 kbit/s. Also it can be 4624 kbit/s or 7696 kbit/s. The line rate ranges 384-30720 kbit/s, 4624 kbit/s, and 7696 kbit/s. The default value is 4096 kbit/s. If the entered rate is not a multiple of 128 kbit/s, the system adjusts the rate to a multiple value of 64 kbit/s that is the most close to the entered one.
  • For a six-wire profile, the line rate must be a multiple of 192 kbit/s. Also it can be 6936 kbit/s or 11544 kbit/s. The line rate ranges 576-46080 kbit/s, 6936 kbit/s, and 11544 kbit/s. The default value is 6144 kbit/s. If the entered rate is not a multiple of 192 kbit/s, the system adjusts the rate to a multiple value of 192 kbit/s that is the most close to the entered one.
  • For an eight-wire profile, the line rate must be a multiple of 256 kbit/s. Also it can be 9248 kbit/s or 15392 kbit/s. The line rate ranges 768-61440 kbit/s, 9248 kbit/s, and 15392 kbit/s. The default value is 8192 kbit/s. If the entered rate is not a multiple of 256 kbit/s, the system adjusts the rate to a multiple value of 256 kbit/s that is the most close to the entered one.
  • When you are quickly adding an SHDSL line profile, the system uses the default values for parameters that are not configured.


To quickly add a two-wire SHDSL line profile and use the default values for all parameters in global config mode, do as follows:
huawei(config)#shdsl line-profile quickadd                                      
{ line<K>|profile-index<U><2,99>|ptm<K>|tdm<K> }:line
{ eight-wire<K>|four-wire<K>|six-wire<K>|two-wire<K> }:two-wire
{ <cr>|clock-align<K>|frame-mode<K>|modulation-mode<K>|performance-mode<K>|name<K>|ntr<K>|probe<K>|psd<K>|r
ate<K>|remote<K>|snr-margin<K>|transmission<K> }:

          shdsl  line-profile  quickadd  line two-wire
  Add profile 2 successfully  
To quickly add a four-wire SHDSL line profile (use the transmission mode of G.991.2 Annex A/F and Annex B/G, use the line rate of 4096 kbit/s, use the performance statistics mode of 1, enable symmetric PSD mode, use the modulation mode of TCPAM128, and use the default values for other parameters), do as follows:
huawei(config)#shdsl line-profile quickadd
{ line<K>|profile-index<U><2,99>|ptm<K>|tdm<K> }:line
{ eight-wire<K>|four-wire<K>|six-wire<K>|two-wire<K> }:four-wire
{ <cr>|clock-align<K>|frame-mode<K>|modulation-mode<K>|name<K>|ntr<K>|performanc
e-mode<K>|probe<K>|psd<K>|rate<K>|remote<K>|snr-margin<K>|transmission<K> }:rate
{ min-rate<U><384,30720>|rate<U><384,30720> }:4096
{ <cr>|clock-align<K>|frame-mode<K>|max-rate<U><384,30720>|modulation-mode<K>|na
ssion<K> }:psd
{ asymmetric<K>|symmetric<K> }:symmetric
{ <cr>|clock-align<K>|frame-mode<K>|modulation-mode<K>|name<K>|ntr<K>|performanc
e-mode<K>|probe<K>|remote<K>|snr-margin<K>|transmission<K> }:modulation-mode
{ <cr>|clock-align<K>|frame-mode<K>|name<K>|ntr<K>|performance-mode<K> }:perform
{ performance-mode<U><1,3> }:1
{ <cr>|name<K>|ntr<K> }:

          shdsl line-profile quickadd line four-wire rate 4096 psd symmetric mod
ulation-mode TCPAM128 performance-mode 1
  Add profile 3 successfully

System Response

  • After you create an SHDSL line profile successfully, the system displays the message "Add profile x successfully." "x" is the ID of the created line profile


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